From CURRENT SKY to 2pm image and later notes of TODAY
About The Astronomy - Every sign and planet moves across the entire sky and returns to where we see it IN 24 HOURS;...
...That is, the entire 360 degree ALL 12 HOUSES eacg planet and sign Traveled thru.
ALSO ABOUT THE ASCENDANT AND MIDHEAVEN positions and astrological views.
EXCERT }The quick-transiting Ascendant and Midheaven complete their cycles in just 24 hours, or roughly 2 hours per sign and 4 minutes per degree(average) and are dependant on one's geographic location.{END EXCERT (
- The day and the planets from a point of view..
A Pattern called a GRAND TRINE; 3 planets equally apart, their points of position circumferencing 360 degree from one point to start to an other, then to an other, and from that point back to the planet at point of start.
Those 3 planets are (or the planetary objects are) :
the planet Mercury, the planet Uranus, and the Moon
Mercury is also CONJUNCT the MC (Midheaven) - EXCERTS from Daily posts
- from TODAYS "Horoscopes by Holiday, by Holiday Mathis": horoscopes December 1 (2015)
- from "" : TODAYS "Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom"
- Chinese Chart of the day :
- LIBRARISING.COM Excerts from page Transiting Ascendant And Midheaven
i.e. EXCERT } When assessing transits, ...
...we we look at the outer planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
for monthly or yearly trends, ...
,,,and the inner planets -Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and especially the Moon
for daily trends. ...
...What about the Ascendant and Midheaven which move much faster? Are they not valid transits as well? {END EXCERT
Horoscopes by Holiday, by Holiday Mathis
- ShowOff Moon
Cantaloupe and pumpkin seeds look an awful lot alike, but come harvest time it's pretty easy to tell the difference. While the Leo moon inspires posturing, posing and showing off, remember that the early stage of an endeavor is no time to psych yourself out by comparing yourself to others. More development is needed to see what you've got.
Cantaloupe and pumpkin seeds look an awful lot alike, but come harvest time it's pretty easy to tell the difference. While the Leo moon inspires posturing, posing and showing off, remember that the early stage of an endeavor is no time to psych yourself out by comparing yourself to others. More development is needed to see what you've got.
IMAGE FROM ASTROLOG 5.4 astrology program
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Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom:
- Over the years, you build an awareness of self: who you are, what you like and dislike, how you feel about things. This is the mind of da’at—a place of consciousness, of knowing and feeling “I exist.” It is the most visceral of minds, closely linked to the emotions.Consciousness is not evil. The problem is the way a human enters into his consciousness and identifies with it.
What is actually only an awareness of self becomes your actual self.... It is an act of self-imprisonment, as you become trapped in a tight cell of self-definition.
The path of inner Torah leads you to reach beyond this conscious state to an essential self that is one with the Infinite. This is the act of liberation from a personal Egypt, which Torah makes possible on a daily basis.
- Like what you read? Never miss another day of the Daily Dose: subscribe
- Astrology, The Grand Trine - Lesson 15.2 by Bob
- The Grand Trine is supposed to be “lucky.” The problem with “luck” is that people can blow it. If there are too many trines ...
- Grand Trine - Dr. Loretta Standley
A true Grand Trine is when all three planets are in the same element (water, air, earth or fire) ... PLANETARY TRANSIT - Grand Trine transiting July 22 - Astrologers' Community ...
How important are transiting aspects like this grand trine when one or multiple spheres involved ...
Grand Trine by transit interpretation required PLEASE ...
6 postsOct 20, 2014
What does a Pluto-Venus grand kite and a grand trine ...10 postsNov 24, 2006
More results from - Aspect Patterns - Cafe Astrology
- the T-square is in cardinal signs, the person is dynamic, quick, and starts to act instantly, even if the ... Identifying a Grand Trine: In the sample chart above, Catherine Zeta-Jones has a Grand Trine ..
For more astrologic info on patterns see "aspects" on The Mountain Astrologer webpage
TMA Beginner's Series
x This series, which originally appeared in The Mountain Astrologer magazine in 1993-94, is designed to give the beginning astrology student an overview of basic concepts and applications of astrology. Parts 1-3 were written by staff of the The Mountain Astrologer. Parts 4-12 were written by Mary Plumb. Enjoy. | ||||
[1;37mAstrolog 5.40 chart for Tue Dec 1, 2015 10:01am (DT -7:00 GMT)
111ø99W 34ø96N
Sun in Sagittarius and 12th House:
This person's spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is very jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality.
[1;34m Moon in Leo and 8th House:
This person's emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics.
[1;32m Mercury in Sagittarius and 12th House:
This person's thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
[1;32m Venus in Libra and 10th House:
This person's creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[1;31mMars in Libra and 9th House:
This person's will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
[1;31mJupiter in Virgo and 9th House:
This person's enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.) [1;33mSaturn in Sagittarius and 11th House:
This person's part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is very jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups.
[1;32mRetrograde Uranus in Aries and 3rd House:
This person's individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms is forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and seeks adventure and challenge. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment.
1;34mNeptune in Pisces and 2nd House:
This person's intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature is very imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with self image, self worth, and material security. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[1;34mPluto in Capricorn and 1st House:
This person's destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world is industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity.
[1;35mChiron in Pisces and 3rd House:
This person's ability to help, heal, and teach others, and where one has much experience is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[0;36mRetrograde North Node in Virgo and 9th House:
This person's karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine. It is easy for them to express this part of themself. [0;36mVertex in Leo and 8th House:
This person's karmic fate and method of reception of energies is proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics.
[0;36mEast Point in Capricorn and 1st House:
This person's generalized projected personality and outward appearance is industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity. It is easy for them to express this part of themself.
[1;37mAstrolog 5.40 chart for Tue Dec 1, 2015 2:06pm (DT -7:00 GMT) 111ø99W 34ø96N [1;31mSun in Sagittarius and 9th House:
This person's spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is very jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine.
[1;34mMoon in Leo and 6th House:
This person's emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified, and desires self expression. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful.
[1;32mMercury in Sagittarius and 9th House:
This person's thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity is jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
[1;32mVenus in Libra and 8th House:
This person's creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[1;31mMars in Libra and 7th House:
This person's will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
[1;31mJupiter in Virgo and 7th House:
This person's enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy. (This bit plays only a minor part in their psyche.)
[1;33mSaturn in Sagittarius and 9th House:
This person's part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is very jovial, open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine.
[1;32mRetrograde Uranus in Aries and 1st House:
This person's individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms is forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and seeks adventure and challenge. Most often this manifests in an independent, backward, introverted manner, and in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity.
[1;34mNeptune in Pisces and 12th House:
This person's intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature is very imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[1;34mPluto in Capricorn and 11th House:
This person's destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world is industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups.
[1;35mChiron in Pisces and 1st House:
This person's ability to help, heal, and teach others, and where one has much experience is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity. This is a major aspect of their psyche!
[0;36mRetrograde North Node in Virgo and 7th House:
This person's karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy. It is easy for them to express this part of themself.
[0;36mVertex in Virgo and 7th House:
This person's karmic fate and method of reception of energies is analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy. It is difficult for them to express this part of themself.
[0;36mEast Point in Pisces and 1st House:
This person's generalized projected personality and outward appearance is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity.
Ascendant and Midheaven TransitsIf the Sun sign is the hour handle and the Moon sign is the minute handle then the Ascendant(and/or Midheaven) are the second handles. The other planets are also time handles but we have chosen the most significant ones. When assessing transits, we we look at the outer planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto for monthly or yearly trends, and the inner planets -Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and especially the Moon for daily trends. What about the Ascendant and Midheaven which move much faster? Are they not valid transits as well? There is very little information on this. One of the few books that makes a point of using the Ascendant and Midheaven as transits or timing mechanisms is Vocational Guidance by Astrology (1962) by Charles E. Luntz. In the 12th chapter of his book Luntz primarily uses the transiting Sun and Moon to key or favorable natal planets to choose the best day for a job interview and the transiting Asc and Mc to key or favorable natal planets to hone it down to the minute. I tend to agree with this methodology. The quick-transiting Ascendant and Midheaven complete their cycles in just 24 hours, or roughly 2 hours per sign and 4 minutes per degree(average) and are dependant on one's geographic location. This requires a lot of calculation or precision but thanks to computers it can be done quickly and accurately. One of the biggest snags in calculating the Ascendant and/or Midheaven is daylight savings or war time. The difference of one hour or two can totally throw off either factor by as much as one sign or thirty degrees. DST is the biggest curse to serious or true astrology as the Ascendant and Midheaven are the foundations of the astrological birth chart. Countries like India do well not to accept or incorporate DST, but they have other problems. Transits of the Ascendant or Midheaven to natal planets are quick and fleeting but eventful nonetheless. They accurately pinpoint, to the minute, happenings or events occuring throughout the day. Ascendant transits appear to focus more on personal events whereas Midheaven transits appear to highlight more public events, although the two can often be interchangeable. Asc and MC transits can also be used for rectification, astrolocality(quickly bringing the angles to your planets, rather than the other way around), or testing or spotting unseen influences or bodies not yet discovered. The best part is that results can be noted quickly(within minutes or hours) rather than days, weeks, months, or years as is the case for the regular planets. The Moon transits are pretty quick as well but it takes almost month rather than a day to get all the results in and longer if they need to be repeated.