- The wheel of life and the path of man, the human being, as he passes through the signs according to the mode recognized by orthodox astrology. He, as well as the planets, apparently retrogrades through the signs and appears to pass through the constellations from Aries to Taurus. But this is all part of the Great Illusion.
- The wheel of life and the path of man, the divine or spiritual soul, as he passes through the signs of the zodiac according to the mode studied by the esoteric astrologer. This is the Path of Reality as the other is the Path of Illusion. This carries the disciple around the path from commencement in Aries to consummation in Pisces.
- The horoscope of the planet itself as the expression of the life of the planetary Logos. This involves the studying of the horoscope of the spirit of the planet as well as of the informing Life and their joint relationship and interplay. The spirit of the Earth is to the planetary Logos of the Earth, for instance, what the personality (or form nature) is to the soul of man. The two horoscopes are superimposed and the "planetary pattern" then emerges.
- The horoscope of the human family, of the fourth kingdom in nature, regarding it as an entity, which it essentially is. This is in reality the study of two horoscopes, as in the above case; the horoscope of the kingdom of souls, of the divine sons of God upon the mental plane, and the study of the entity which is the coherent life of the form side of the fourth kingdom in nature. This is again done by superimposing the two charts. These charts are drawn on a large scale and on a transparent material of which humanity knows nothing. Upon these charts are noted the pattern which emerges when "soul and personality are brought together" and present conditions, possible developments and relationships, and the immediate future objective appear with clarity.
- The horoscopes of disciples. The Masters do not study the charts of ordinary undeveloped man. There is no profit in so doing. This involves again the study of the two horoscopes of the disciple under inspection - one of the soul and the other of the personality. Again the process of superimposition is utilized. In one horoscope, [60] the new orientation and the embryonic reorganized inner life will be noted and studied, and in the other the outer life and its conformity or nonconformity to inner conditions will be the subject of attention. Thus the life pattern will emerge, possibilities will be indicated, problems will disappear, and the immediate next step will clearly show forth.
Full Moon and New Moon Dates and Times
AAB EA: Virgo / Libra Hercules: Virgo / Libra | Ephemeris 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 © Astrodienst | 3D Model of Solar System |
Esoteric Astrology - Table of Contents
1. Three Basic Statements
2. The Creative Hierarchies
Tabulation I (The 12 Creative Hierarchies)
Tabulation II (The 7 Creative Hierarchies)
Hierarchy I
Hierarchy II
Hierarchy III
Hierarchy IV
Hierarchy V
Hierarchies VI and VII
Tabulation III (Dynamic / Magnetic Energy)
3. The Great Wheel and Spiritual Unfoldment
Tabulation IV (The Orthodox Astrological Relationship)
Tabulation V (The Unorthodox Astrological Relationship)
Tabulation VI (Planetary Rulers in 3 Tabulations)
Tabulation VII (Unorthodox Constellations, Rulers and Rays)
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul The Labors of Hercules - Table of Contents The Zodiac The Purpose of this Study (Foreword) The Nature of Discipleship Astrological Connotations The World Disciple Today Key Thoughts Hercules the Disciple - The Myth Elaboration of the Myth Labor I The Capture of the Man-eating Mares The Myth The Meaning of the MythThe Sign The Three Initial Impulses in AriesThe Sign of the Mind Constellations in Aries The Crux of the Test Labor II The Capture of the Cretan Bull The Myth The Meaning of the Labor Four Symbolic Words The Story of the Labor The Theme of IlluminationThe Theme of Sex Significance of the Constellations Nature of the Tests The Disciple and Sex Labor III - Part 1 Gathering the Golden Apples of the Hesperides The Myth The Nature of the Test The Symbols Labor III - Part 2 Gathering the Golden Apples of the Hesperides The Field of the Labor The Three Symbolic ConstellationsThe Lesson of the Labor Labor IV - Part 1 Labor IV - Part 2 The Capture of the Doe or Hind Qualities of the Sign The Cardinal Cross The Stars At-one-ment with Capricorn Symbols The Three Symbolic Constellations The Lesson of the Labor Labor V The Slaying of the Nemean Lion The MythThe Number Five The Story of the MythThe Field of the Labor The Three Symbolic Constellations The Lesson of the Labor Labor VI Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte The Myth Introduction Interpretations of the MythThe Two Ways The Constellations and Stars The Mutable Cross and the Planetary RulersSignificance of the Sign and its Polar Opposite Keynotes Labor VII The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar The Myth Prologue Reflections of a LibranThe Rulers of Libra and Its Opposite Sign The Constellations and StarsSome highlights from the lecture by Alice Bailey Labor VIII Destroying the Lernaean Hydra The Myth Introduction Psychological Analysis of the Myth The Nine Heads of the HydraFighting the Hydra: Modern VersionApplications to Life What is Death Scorpio, the Sign of Magic The Constellations and the Stars Labor IX Killing the Stymphalian Birds The Myth Interpretation of the Labor Silence Two Gates, Three Constellations The Chrysalis Symbol The Spirit of Truth The Spirit of Right Three GiftsThree Constellations Details of the Story Labor X The Slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades The MythPrologue Interpretations of the Labor in Capricorn Meanings of the Sign Constellations The Climbing of the Mountain Preparation for the Descent into Hades The Symbol of Cerberus Epilogue Labor XI Cleansing the Augean Stables The Myth The Energies of AquariusHallmarks of the Initiate Decanates, Rulers and Constellations The Lawgivers Interpretation of the Test Labor XII The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon The Myth Interpretation of the StorySignificant Aspect of the Sign The Second Coming of the Christ The New Group of World Servers Interpretation of the Test |
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